Every Sunday we gather at 11:00am to worship God by singing together, giving to support God's kingdom, and listening to a message rooted in the Bible.
Welcome to Sandy Plains Baptist Church
Welcome to Sandy Plains Baptist Church
Sunday Worship
Every Sunday we gather at 11:00am to worship God by singing together, giving to support God's kingdom, and listening to a message rooted in the Bible.
Sunday School
Every Sunday we gather together in small groups at 9:30am to encourage one another, pray for each other, and study God's word.
easter SUNDAY april 20th, 2025
7:15am - Outdoor Sunrise Service
7:45am - Coffee, Donuts, and Juice
8:45am - Prayer Service
9:30am - Sunday School
11:00am - Worship Service
easter egg hunt
Join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 19th @ 10:00am, 0 - 5th grade. It's a fun FREE event with Candy, Hotdogs, Chips, Drinks, Bounce Houses and more!
read through the bible 2025
In 2025 we will travel through scripture together, as a church. We will start in the beginning and read through the story of the Bible chronologically. You can find out more at sandyplains.org/2025 and scan the QR Codes to find helpful resources for our journey through God's story.
Young in heart
Our Senior Adult group meets every third Thursday in the month at 11:00am.
The Ladies Bible Study - Spring Edition meets every Tuesday morning @ 9:30am in room C-18.
men's bible study
Our Men's Bible Study meets every second Tuesday of the month @ 10:30am in room C - 4.